Oh goodness girl… where do I start? …How about this…
You look fantastic!
Soak that in for a minute. You’re as young as you’ll ever be, and that half a pizza you ate last night – well you can burn that off on a 5 minute jog around the block. A jog that you’ll probably take whenever you “feel” like it, and without having to arrange childcare or wrap a bad aging ankle. Enjoy that pizza! And enjoy your leisurely jog! Because little do you know, it will someday likely take you 3 months of daily HIIT workouts, 6 months of eating 1000 less calories a day, and zero sugar for a year to burn it off when you’re pushing 40. Yep, enjoy it sister!
The good news is… you may very well not care that much in the future. Actually, it’s pretty fantastic! The perfection you strive for today to look as good as every airbrushed model those immature college boys gush over, will look super pathetic someday. But what a relief! That’s one of the best parts! It’s tough being 25 and caring so much. You’ll have other worries, but putting a halt to that “people pleasing” will be warmly welcomed. Consider letting it go now and you can maybe avoid of few frown lines that will be there at my age. Ugh!
The best kept secret…
But, who am I kidding, you likely won’t give up the comparison game any sooner. You’ll have to live and learn like everyone else. Live and learn – that’s how you gain the best kept secret. I’m not kidding… the Best. WISDOM! It’s a gem! No offense, but the truth is, I wouldn’t pay to go back to 25. You’re cute I’ll admit, and maybe you have a bit more energy too… But wisdom, peace of heart, learned patience, and kindness… these things will look even better on you girl. Trust me, your new hubby notices you now, but that new look of confidence and wisdom will turn his head more than ever. He’s way over the petty stuff! Take note: Wisdom is more beautiful than youth! …Thank goodness!
Forgive and forget…
Speaking of petty, Don’t sweat the small stuff young one! You’ll look back and laugh at, regret, or roll your eyes at how much time you wasted on the “fluff.” When you mess up, say “I’m sorry!” And while you’re at it… forgive with no limits. You may lose some really good people just because they made a childish mistake. You’ve made some mistakes too, and you’ll make more. But say “Sorry,” Forgive BIG, and LOVE even bigger, and you’ll weed out some of the drama.
Go all in with your faith.
Girl, this is KEY! God has an amazing life planned for you. Wearing Jesus on your sleeve won’t be popular with all your 25-year-old friends. Hey, it’s not popular with my 40-year-old friends either. But, doing life with God has been so much better than doing it without Him, so keep Him close. You’re going to need Him, because people will let you down, and there’s no escaping that. Sorry to break it to you. Big adults are irrational, immature and mess up too.
Ignore the haters…
Please don’t listen to the haters and the skeptics, by the way! Be brave and don’t hold back. The more you go for it, the more you’ll learn. The more you learn, the more clear you’ll be on the future God has called you too. If you have a calling on your life, be bold enough to tackle it! Awesome things happen when you go for it, trust me!
And for heaven’s sake, don’t listen to the 40 something know-it-alls who dramatically act as though life ends at 40. I mean, all this “I have to run a marathon or have babies before I’m 40” talk… it sounds like a death sentence. I just turned 40 and I feel like life has just begun. I feel more alive than ever! You have a lot to look forward to, it’s true! I can look back and see how everything I’ve experienced has brought me to this exact place, and I’m finally starring my purpose straight in the face. It’s amazing! Each phase is if you let it! …God will use you at 30 for one adventure, 35 for another, and at 40 for an even bigger adventure. If you’re willing to take it on – and I know you are. You are one brave woman who wants to change lives!
Take care of yourself…
You are beautiful, young one. You are healthy and energetic! And if you take care of yourself you will feel pretty good at 40 too. Hey, some of us actually feel better because that wisdom thing finally taught us to stop abusing our bodies, and it feels FANTASTIC!
The future is bright…
Oh sister, at the end of the day… listen and learn from those of us who have been there, and keep your outlook up… The whole wide world has open arms to you, and I hope you let yourself get swallowed in its embrace!
Enjoy your days, your youth, and your beauty along the way…
Be confident and bold along the way…
Learn from life along the way…
Give yourself lots of grace along the way…
Love so many people along the way…
Stay loyal to the ones you committed too…
As your years pass, stay loyal to your faith, knowing that with God by your side, your days will only get brighter and so much more full of purpose. It’s going to be a magical ride! Get so excited!
(Podcast audio version available, right here!)
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