The voices of the world are wreaking havoc through my heart and causing chaos in my core. Thrashing thoughts in 1000 different directions. Lord, help not listen to such taunting…
“Do this, or they’ll be disappointed…
If you don’t do that, you’ll miss your mark…
It is all up to you… If you don’t, who will?
Run harder or you’ll never catch up… on your list, on your budget… in life.
You’re neglecting your children, and they need you.
Your husband misses your attention and focus.
You’ve GOT to get it together!”
These are just some of the commands that harass and haunt me. And they are heavy. I’m stuffed-full of overwhelm.
How about you? Are you overwhelmed?
You know, I don’t think that is what God intended for us. Then what, right? What would HE say to this craze of entertaining the lies of the enemy? (Let’s just call it like it is.)
When I finally get out of my head and into my honest heart, here’s what I believe we would hear from the audible voice of God. He would say… “Come to me… Be still. Listen to what I have to say.“
We would hear these words of truth from his trustworthy lips… “Your treasure, reward, and your delight, are not found in following or filling any of the world’s chatter and commands.” He says, “Your blessing is found in me. So pause… and draw near.”
That’s the voice of God. That’s the voice we need to crank up the volume on, drowning out the background faulty fluff.
Let’s spill out all our struggles on him and flat out forget the world for a moment – all of it.
Replace your thoughts with his thoughts. Let him fill you full of his words and the light of his precious presence. Sense it shining in your soul, and feel it fizzle the weight of the world. Hear him say, “Be still sweet child. Trust me dear daughter.“ That is what God would say.
Let’s open our ears and listen to the sweet tune of his all-sufficient love song today. The richest blessings you could possibly find, are found… when you turn to him.
Are you overwhelmed? What voices are you hearing? How might your day change if you shut out the voices of the enemy and soaked in the callings of the Lord?
Lord God, You long for my attention, but I so easily get distracted by the whispers of the world and my own self dependent expectations. Open my heart, soften my soul, so that I may listen for you. Help me… receive you. I give it all… to you. Thank you for your unrelenting outpouring of blessings. In your mighty name, Amen
Seek the Word:
My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of my hand. (John 10:27-28) Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path. (Psalm 119:105) He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.” (Luke 11:28)
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Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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