To My Beloved Readers & Dear Supporters…
The back-road travel has led to the highway in my journey of… writing my first book! And I owe all the thanks to YOU!!
Before you stop reading, hang with me! I need a small favor that will help and reach more people. Read on to the end…
As a determined aspiring author I have approached a crossroads of surreal excitement and mysterious mountainous terrain. I am eager to take on this challenge of unfolding the stories God lays on my heart, bringing “keep it real” words to my readers that will encourage, inspire, entertain, and open eyes to God’s direction and purpose.
What began as a flicker of thought to write a book, a nudge of “what ifs,” has turned into God’s loud and clear direction calling me to serve people. To serve YOU with vulnerable words of how He has shown up in my life through diverse trials and triumphs – for His glory!
SO here I stand on a mission to ignite you with His inspiration and encouragement. And I HAD to say… THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart! Thank you for requesting my “7 Days to Overcome Worry” free booklet, thank you for following me, thank you for sharing with friends, thank you for every ounce of your support! Without these things – without YOU – this would not be possible. You are a blessing!
Follow my journey on Facebook and Instagram…
To maintain focus and complete this assignment within my personal deadline, my blog entries will be paused. But, I will definitely keep posting often on Social Media! I can’t deny my passion to share words of inspiration and encouragement that God plants on my heart each day as I travel the hills and valleys of life with Him as the mighty rock by my side. (Here’s the favor: If you’d be so kind to remain subscribed via email & follow me on social media, this will increase the chance of a publisher picking up my book, thus allowing ministering to so many more! Facebook: Click here! Instagram: Click here!)
If you would like to pray with me…
I trust that God’s hand will guide me, but I also believe there is power in prayer and numbers! Please pray with me for clear discernment with the words and stories to share. Pray that hope remains steady when rejection and confusion crowd in. Pray that I will keep my eyes on my first love… On God who gives our gifts, plants the desires, and deserves ALL the glory. And most of all… pray that people will be blessed through His work.
Thank you again, for your outpouring of love and encouragement. God is showing up SO BIG through you with your support as HE knows we ALL need it – EVERY day.
Together we can do great things for Him. Let’s do this, friends!
Blessings & Lots of Love,

Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!