Discouragement and overwhelm are knocking on the walls of my weary heart. Do you sense the unwelcome guests?
If this is you too, I’d like to remind you (and me) of something… Child of God, nothing can separate you from God’s love and power – not for a second.
This means in every detail, each tiny step you take, through all moments of confusion, frustration, loneliness, busyness, or exasperated struggle in your day… you are being held. His almighty power remains in control. He allows all things for your good, because His love is constant. I’m talking, it doesn’t take an eye off one minuscule thought, reaction, glance, or misstep. CONSTANT love.
His power is greater than any power in you, or against you. And His love covers you perfectly.
Therefore, you can trust absolutely anything that happens and accept it as good. Therefore, you have nothing to fear. Therefore, you can breathe in peace deeply today, in His constant close loving presence.
He is for you. He’s with you. Always, and forever. It’s a promise, dear child of God.
Reflect: Is uncertainty, defeat, or disappointment looming over you? Could you use a super-sized dose of God’s power and love?
Pray: Lord God, I need your power and love to infuse my fight. I know you are the all-powerful one in control of all things. I know your infinite love for me and your people will transform all things to good. Help me hold tight to the truth of your sovereignty and perfect love, that fizzles my fear. Thank you for never leaving my side. In your mighty name, Amen.
Seek the Word: No power in the sky above or in the earth below—indeed, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39)
If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us. God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in them. This is how love is made complete among us so that we will have confidence on the day of judgment: In this world we are like Jesus. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear. (1 John 4:15-18)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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