Here I am again waffling with emotions… Willing away and suppressing desires of my flesh for more comfort, ease, and security.
It’s tough to return to routine life after indulging in any sort of pleasure-filled escape. Amen?!
This was me after a recent vacation. Questioning if the real world “disconnect” is even worth it. Disappointment attempts to squash us all when we step back into our “less than ideal” reality, right?
Yes, sometimes it does… IF… If we choose to let it. If we choose to listen to the enemy’s temptations to face our heavy circumstances with defeat and loads of “whoa is me‘s.”
Do you ever dread the monotonous day ahead with temptations to peer back at the sparkle and peace behind you, and move fast forward to prettier places of bliss and joy?
I’ve been on the verge of falling to Satan‘s deceptive charm too many times. I’ve even made the subconscious decision to cave and found myself in deeper pits of self-pity, jealousy and discontentment that steal ALL the joy and peace my soul craves. I don’t want that. And I bet you don’t either. No, you want that peace back… you want the joy to return… and to stay… For a while.
And friends, there is only one real way to get there… God’s way. So, you can take Satan’s sneaky lies and your tricky thoughts captive, toss them out, and replace them with TRUTH. The TRUTH that you can have all those delightful gifts you long for, right where you are. God‘s radiant TRUTHS and promises, found in His word, that beam with the depth of hope, the grandeur of joy, the overflowing of peace, and endless unconditional love. Everything you desire… Everything you need.
Reflect: What are you focusing on in the past or future that’s distracting you from what God has in front of you today?
Pray: Lord Jesus, you’ve given me such beautiful gifts and I’m guilty of wanting more… and more. I want to be thankful for the lot and thankful for the less. Because ALL things, ALL moments you give, are gifts. Forgive me for letting Satan tempt me with filters of lack, and replace them with your lens of abundance no matter what surrounds me. You are sovereign, you are the truth, and you are so good… ALL the time. In your gracious name I pray. Amen.
Seek The Word: We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. (2 Corinthians 10:5) Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.” (John 14:6) “If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” (Jeremiah 29:13)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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