Do you know what really stinks? Bad news. Hello “Captain Obvious,” right? I’m not sure what’s going on in your world, but in my neck of the woods, I’m feeling blindsided left and right with some heavy stuff. Loved ones suffering. Friends devastated by diagnosis. Loss, grief, and fear.
I hate it.
And as the world dumps all of its “bad” on top of your already overloaded life, it can become borderline suffocating.
But still, there sneaks in the occasional “good” news. Praiseworthy answers to prayers peek through the hovering clouds, and you may even feel a touch guilty for considering celebrating the light. That’s the sort of roller coaster I was riding last week.
Can you relate? Have you been subject to some bad news lately? Did you notice any light?
And what do you suppose God thinks about all these ups and downs? The dips and flips that attempt to tear down our trust walls, work up our worry, and then hinder our happy.
It occurred to my contemplation… it’s likely he thinks we put too much focus on the bad. Possibly??? As we stew more in the valley, versus zooming in on the streaks of sunshine. I definitely fall into this trap.
Think about it. He knows there’s evil, and this really isn’t news to us either. (Seriously.) In fact, if you pay close enough attention to his word, the Bible warns of trials to come. We know this.
But, his instruction also prepares us for what to do, and where to keep our lingering focus, all the way through the rough and tough. And it is not staring at, simmering in, and sulking about all that’s “wrong” around us.
God encourages us to reset our eyes on his promises of eternity, his commitment to never leave us, and the truth that his goodness always prevails. He wants us to see the sunlight – remembering and celebrating his wondrous works, of then and now.
Friend, when we transfix our gaze on him, we begin to see more and more reflections of the light that he sprinkles in our dark shadows. THAT is where peace and joy are found. THAT, we all want. And THAT… is “the good.”
Be on the lookout for the good news God wants you to see through the bad. Be on the lookout… for HIM.
Do you sense extra doses or bad news these days? What good might God want to reveal to you as you lift your eyes above your circumstances?
Heavenly Father, You are so full of goodness, yet I must confess, I allow disappointments and disasters to steal the majority of my attention, distracting my awareness of how great your are. Lord, you are so good. And not just for turning things my way. You are good all the time, because you are God. May I still, set, and steep my heart in your abounding goodness today. Thank you for the great you are. Amen.
Seek The Word:
But my eyes are fixed on you, Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge—do not give me over to death. (Psalm 141:8)
The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. (Psalm 145:9)
You gave your good Spirit to instruct them. You did not withhold your manna from their mouths, and you gave them water for their thirst. (Nehemiah 9:20)
The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him. (Nahum 1:7)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
P.S. My brand new devotional book, “Faith Fueled: Serenity and Sunshine in Everyday Storms” is NOW AVAILABLE! Check it out – click here! Or order on Amazon!
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