Weak. It’s what I feel today.
Ok… a lot of days.
But don’t feel sorry for me. I’m not alone.
Most of us battle with our limitations to grind out the spiderweb of a day ahead. You?
There’s bottomless mouths to feed, carpools to run, schedules to untangle and iron out… and people waiting for a “yes” to their request. And how about your fatigued frame that can’t fathom taking the jog, working in 10,000 steps around the house of chores calling your name, or just plain getting out of bed when the alarm clock says “move.”
We need some serious strength… AGAIN.
Day… After day.
But, I’m too weak. And dare I say, you’re not strong enough either… To go it ALONE.
I know this. Yet, I keep forgetting. And as certain as the sun rises with every dawn, God is there to remind me of my “not-enough-on-my-own-ness” each morning when the lists, plans and demands shake me from my short-lived slumber.
Here’s the thing… We have to ask for his strength EVERY day. And again each hour, as we plow into roadblocks and surprises. He’s there when your eyes first greet the morning, He’s with you right now, and He has every ounce of strength to cover all He sees fit for your day.
Yes, you may feel too weak to tackle the struggles and giants ahead, but if you let HIM be your strength, you will always be strong enough to overcome any battle He places in your path.
Reflect: Are you feeling weak? Do you need to ask God to give you His strength to take on what’s ahead?
Pray: Lord, I am drained, and I need you. Lift me up today with sturdy confidence that You will see me through all the things you would have me do. I know it is Your power that allows all things to be, and that even when I feel incapable, You are always able. Thank you for your sufficient strength that covers me, your beloved child. Amen.
Seek the Word: For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength. (Philippians 4:13)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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