What if there really was one answer to all your problems?
Guess what? I am here to tell you… There IS.
Remember the oldie but goodie, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands?” You belted it out at Vacation Bible School at the wee age of three, but did you grow up truly believing its truth? And live with honest conviction of those bold words?
It’s true. God does have the whole world in His mighty hands… And He is most definitely the answer to your every problem.
Listen, I forget this most days too. But let’s chat it out for a sec…
What problems or struggles are swirling around you these days?
Is it something concerning your kids? Your marriage? Maybe your work, church, friends, or in-laws? Think about it with me… How about your energy, health, or emotional status?
Whatever the issue, God has the richest peace, perfect love, sufficient strength… And ALL the power to take your situation and infuse it with the very things to get you through all of it. He has each tool to lead you to resolve. Always has… always will.
Go to Him. Feed deeply on His words, invest your time in His people, pay closer attention to His nudges… And TRUST Him. He’s absolutely got the whole world in His good hands, and is always the answer to every problem.
Reflect: What are you struggling with that you need resolution and answers to? Have you called and relied on God alone for resolution?
Pray: Almighty God, You have all things in your good control, yet I tend to forget my daily challenges have every droplet of resolution in You. I come to you in stillness and openness in this moment asking for guidance, for strength, for peace, for comfort, and offering my faith in your answer, and in your way. Help me run to you for all things, and trust your divine plan and timing. Amen
Seek The Word: I call on you, my God, for you will answer me; turn your ear to me and hear my prayer. (Psalm 17:6 ) When I am in distress, I call to you, because you answer me. (Psalm 86:7)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
P.S. To receive my weekly devotional via email sign up for my “Free Gift” at Keri-ann.com/freegift!
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