Life is a mess.
OK, maybe you wouldn’t go so far as to say that about your existence (or maybe you would). But, what about the day ahead of you? Or how you left behind yesterday?
Are your surroundings tangled up in frayed and frazzled knots? And what’s the status of your relationships? Your mind? Any messes there?
I have an inkling every person on the planet has a mess they are in the midst of – or approaching. It’s kind of unavoidable.
Even the tidied up perfect posts and pictures you scroll past with envy and awe on your “reality-distracting-device” are hiding big fat messes.
So how do we deal with it? When the mess around you finds its way inside. And the mess inside, drags you down in the dumps, and sometimes into a ditch of depression. (Guilty!)
God spoke to me yesterday as I sulked in the debilitating mess in and around me. He whispered… “Sweet child of mine, hang in there. I will mold this mess into a masterpiece.”
And you know what? This is as true as anything I know.
God really does take all things broken and turn them to beauty. He’s done it for me. He’s doing it for you… And he’ll do it again.
So while maybe the craze you’re seemingly stuck in may not melt away in moments, you can rest today knowing he is working to turn things around. And you can grab a hold of some peace in the truth that he can be trusted with every detail.
Cling close and God will direct your steps. Keep your face turned to him and he’ll wrap you in his comforting presence. Let’s thank him for the masterpiece he is arranging right now with each perfectly cared for part of our purposefully planned lives.
What mess are you in the midst of? How does it make you feel to know God will turn it into a masterpiece?
Lord Jesus, Life is so messy. I feel it, I see it. But you are God and you are good. Grant me confidence, peace, and comfort in the truth that you are making something beautiful out of the scattered broken pieces in and around me. Thank you for your goodness and meticulous care. In your compassionate name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
Come and see what God has done, his awesome deeds for mankind! (Psalm 66:5) For it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. (Philippians 2:13)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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