You shouldn’t do it. …Yes, you should.
It’s the right thing to do for him, for her… for you… or is it???
God wants you to rest. No, Satan is tricking you! Of course he wants you to say “no” to this, that, or them, and avoid producing any good in this world…
Which voice do I listen to?
It was the first day of summer and the season’s abrupt transition brought on corresponding thoughts that collided into a clutter of conflict. Calm to chaos. Additional bodies crowding yesterday’s empty space with a barrage of social, mental, physical and emotional needs and requests. Piled on top of exhaustion from an over committed calendar and a hurried week of crash prep for all of this. It’s no wonder my thoughts were tossed in a whiplash of debilitating confusion.
Can you relate???
My head fell hard on my pillow that night in defeat. But as God always hears our cries for relief, the heavens opened and rain poured down the following morning, cancelling all things. Ahh… exhale… I think the Big Man does this just for us “crazies” sometimes. Inclement weather to cancel activities, clearing schedules of debris and busy. In my case, allowing a necessary date night…
While venting my struggle over dinner, to hear God through all the noise, Mike released an empathetic response, full of profound truth. “Keri, I’d say if you can’t discern the voice of God from Satan you probably need to slow down.”
I released a chuckle, received an exception to break a date night rule to pull out my phone, and jotted down his wise words, to reflect on later. “You’re so right.” I conceded. Not much could be more true of what I was experiencing.
Friend, if you’re struggling to hear God’s voice, might I suggest the same for you? That you need to slow down a bit?
I indulged in a much needed mental health day the next day. Could I afford to? Could my work, my kids, my commitments afford my absence? I decided I couldn’t afford not to.
We need God‘s direction and counsel for every choice point in our day. All throughout our life in fact. Left alone with our chaotic schedules and the expectations of others, the enemy will muffle our ears, whisper lies, and blind our spiritual sight, throwing us in the fire of confusion and complete depletion. Leaving us with nothing for anyone.
We have to learn to slow down, refuel, rest, inhale refreshment… and many times take even more time than we think we need. The enemy will tell you not to, but God wants your time. God longs to care for you and restore your soul so you can be filled with Him… and for Him.
Reflect: Are you surrounded by overload and noise? To the point all you hear are conflicting whispers, causing confusion over which instruction to follow?
Prayer: Lord God, I want your voice to be the one that speaks loudly to my soul. I know your way is the better way, but I get so confused in the hustle and hassle. Help me put aside all things for you today, so I can slow down and listen for your sweet words of wisdom. Thank you for your peace and guidance that speaks truth over my life. In your perfect name I pray… Amen.
Seek The Word: Call to me and I will answer you, and will tell you great and hidden things that you have not known. (Jeremiah 33:3) Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him. (Psalm 62:5)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
P.S. To receive my weekly devotional via email sign up for my “Free Gift” at Keri-ann.com/freegift!
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