Do you fear falling? Maybe not literally hitting the ground with a painful punch, but how about crumbling to failure?
Think about it… What are you trying to accomplish, work out, or work through with your mental or physical energy these days? And do you ever feel slightly anxious near the edge of a flop or downfall with your latest undertaking, redo of a mission, or attempt at a task?
I get this unsettling stirring in my bones sometimes. And get tripped-up by fear of failure, rejection, and all the continual dips in the road while steamroll toward a destination or goal. (Ahem, I’ve been stumbling with my book proposal for the longest 18 months of my life now!)
What are you trying to conquer that you haven’t beat the battle, or that remains a steep uphill climb?
Can I give us both some advice?
Keep moving.
BUT, keep moving forward with a tight knit and frequent encounter with our good God. Because HE will firm your steps. And here’s the truth that can steady and strengthen your pace with His sturdy foundation as you don’t give up…
Though you may stumble, you will not fall.
It won’t always be simple, smooth and painless, many times the trip-up will sting a bit and you’ll be sure a collapse is inevitable… But don’t buy into the trickery and lies of the enemy. If God is truly your heart’s anchor, nothing can take you out.
Reflect: As you’re plowing ahead in your pursuits, goals, and to do’s, how often are you pulling God close?
Pray: Lord God, sometimes I shuffle through the day, and let go of your hand. Help me to never let go. You are my rock. With you as my constant guide, I may stumble, but will not fall. Thank you for your solid, never failing strength. In Your All-Powerful Name, Amen.
Seek the Word: The Lord makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand. (Psalm 37:23-24)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
P.S. To receive my weekly devotional via email sign up for my “Free Gift” at Keri-ann.com/freegift!
Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!