Do you ever have so many words, you have no words?
I mean, if someone were to ask you, “How is your heart?” You would freeze. Solid. Packed so full of diverse emotions, that the fear of a messy explosion keeps you bottled up in a silent, seeming-safe-place. A dwelling that actually resembles more of a well of mucky debris.
That description seems most fitting for my current inner chaos. I’m not so sure you want in, and I’m not so sure I want to see the yuck of what might come out.
Do you feel all twisted up in your soul too?
The best news I know in these moments… is that I’ve been here before. And I’ve learned a thing or two.
This sloppy, conflicted, lack of centeredness and discontentment I’m wrestling with is a direct result of a slight (or serious) disconnect from my rescuer – my God.
This is true of all of us. True of me. True of you.
Here’s the thing though. The jumble of complexity unraveling your core can be ironed out and smoothed over. But it’s going to require something of you. You’re going to have to surrender yourself. You’re going to have to take the break you don’t think you can take.
And you’re going to have to reconnect with God. Release to him, piece by stubborn peace, burden by lofty burden… and linger in the moment. You’re going to need to let that moment turn into more than a moment.
And you’ll know you’ve allowed enough stillness and silence of pouring out, one thought, one struggle, one prayer at a time, when you feel the tension begin to ease. When the trickle of peace washes over your frazzled thoughts. And when you become more certain if someone were to ask, “How is your heart?” …you could slowly exhale with a hint more assurance “It is well…” as God fills up full, the well in your soul.
Is it well with your soul? Or is the well within your soul so full of debris, it feels near impossible to dish out?
Lord, the well of my soul is full. But sometimes full of an overload of confused, discouraged, and overwhelmed thoughts. I want to be filled up with you. Your peace. Your love. Your joy. Help me stop ruminating on my troubles, and start pouring out my prayers and petitions to you–the Lord who listens and loves. Thank you for filling the well of my soul with your goodness whenever I come to you. In your constant name I pray, Amen.
Seek the Word:
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Romans 15:13) “For he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.” (Psalm 107:9)
Final words for a while…
I want to thank each and everyone of you who prayed alongside me for my next book project. Leafwood Christian Publishers extended a contract to me to write my first traditionally published book about “winning over worry.” It will hit the shelves September 2023, and I pray you will stay in touch with me on social media as I take a break from writing online to focus on my manuscript – due in a few short months! (Find me here… Click this Facebook or Instagram link.)
***OH! And don’t forget to grab my new devotional journal, “Faith Fueled” on Amazon! Click here to order now! https://www.amazon.com/dp/0578370077

Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!