I had plans yesterday.
They were squashed.
And so those plans made their way to today.
Squashed again. A surprise sick kid. And yet another visit from the stomach bug for what feels like nine times the 99th time this season.
But what really surprised me was this. I didn’t freak out in typical fashion.
Because God has been slowly kneading and speaking something over my heart lately. And it’s this…
“My plans are not always your plans. And that’s OK. That’s actually a good thing.” It seems he’s been trying to place me in, teach me peace in, my actual present. And reveal the planted perfection and purpose-filled blessings he intentionally bestows before me.
And that would make great sense. Because it absolutely aligns with what we know of God’s character and desire for us. And with his compassionate care and divine purpose concerning each aspect of every life of his dear children.
Have your plans been disrupted lately? Has it occurred to you, that maybe God intentionally allowed your course to detour in order to reveal something else? Something glorious? More glorious in fact?
Maybe to remind you that he is in control? Maybe to remind you that the perfection of your plan isn’t really the prize. But the closeness to, and deep dependence on him is.
It’s really hard to take each day just as it comes. It is for me anyway.
You too?
But maybe today we can both release the reins a little. Starting with a strong awareness that God is with you.
Let’s say it…
God is with me.
God is for me.
Now move forward gracefully, one step at a time, taking each moment, or mishap, wrapped with confidence in God’s loving presence and perfect plan… just as it comes.
Do you struggle to take each day just as it comes? What plan of yours can you release into the care of the One who holds the better plan for your life?
Father God, You are so intentional with all the perfection you are creating in and around my life. Lord, I thank you. Strengthen me with your peace and power, so that I might take each moment you bring my way–just as it comes. Perfectly planned by you, the almighty good God. In your precious name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the LORD. (Isaiah 55:8)
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)
This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. (Psalm 118:24 ESV)
NEW BOOK ALERT!!! Oh my goodness, Do the Thing: Gospel-Centered Goals, Gumption, and Grace for the Go-Getter Girl, is a must-read! Rebecca George’s walked-the-walk wisdom, infused with rich gospel-centered grace, is an affirming breath of fresh air to any striving heart who longs to make a difference doing what God calls her to. You’ll find a new best friend in these pages. I didn’t want to put them down until I soaked in every last drop of goodness. I feel refueled to “Do the Thing” and I’m certain you’ll LOVE this book too! Grab a copy anywhere books are sold–today!

Have a blessed week!
Your friend,
P.S. To get my devotionals via email sign up for my “Free Gift” at Keri-ann.com/freegift!
To check out “FAITH-FUELED: Devotions with Keri Ann” Podcast for my audio devotions, click here! & Grab my new devotional journal, “Faith Fueled” on Amazon, here!
***OH! And don’t forget to find me on social media to stay up-to-date on my book “WIN over WORRY,” releasing September 2023! (Click links to follow me: Instagram & Facebook )
Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!