A surprise disappointment spontaneously surfaced this week. And did I immediately take it to God? The one who’s always right there, cares most, listens best, and knows everything about everything. Including the best way to handle it, including the perfect encouragement to rip me out of my dark ditch of discontentment. Did I?
Nope. Sure didn’t. Not off the bat anyway.
Do you tend to do this too? Run to your bestie, hubby, or any living soul available for your rant? Just someone willing to lend a listening ear or beef you up with a “you got this,” “this too shall pass,” and all the “at-a-girl’s.”
I’m so guilty.
But I’ve been studying how to better discern God’s direction lately and here’s a touch of wisdom I’d like to share. It’s pretty impossible to hear from God, receive his guidance, and sense his leading when we’re pushing him aside and running first to the closest worldly warm body or earthly ear. Instead of the ever-present, all-knowing, all-loving, sovereign God.
I actually have known this for a long while. But oh how hard it can be to apply, when we’re blindsided by our busyness that’s pummeled with pop-up trials and relentless tribulations. Thus suffocating us from thought and heart space to prepare our reactions and best first steps.
It’s so stinking hard.
Well, will you try again with me this week? How about when the next struggle strikes, we make God our go-to and plan to reach first for him? He is, after all, the perfect friend, the greatest counselor, and the absolute best comforter.
I am certain we will be so glad that we ran straight to him.
Who do you first run to when the going gets tough? Do you need to prioritize making God your go-to?
Lord, I want to run to you. Before anyone or anything. I know you are the only one who fully sees and understands me, knows what is best, and can offer sufficient comfort. Forgive me for losing sight of the power of your guidance and the magnitude of your abundant love. In your blessed name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. (Matthew 6:33)
I, even I, am he who comforts you. (Isaiah 51:12)
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— (John 14:16)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend,
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***OH! And don’t forget to find me on social media to stay up-to-date on my book “WIN over WORRY,” releasing Fall 2023! (Click links to follow me: Instagram & Facebook )
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