“Your comforts delight my soul.” This opening line of my devotional cracked open my heart.
A mass of discomforts had been swarming my soul. Unfamiliar places, uncomfortable spaces. Seemingly dangerous surroundings, even in the midst of God’s most beautiful works and masterpiece creations. Why my inner struggle?
Why can’t I acknowledge and receive his rich ever-present peace, and allow it to flow out freely in delight and gratitude?
Do you ever find it difficult to find God’s blessings around you?
When I finally returned to the comfort of my familiar and non-foreign, I reflected…
Fresh gratitude began arising. My perspective started shifting. In my well-known world, I found a swelling feeling… more grateful for the crazy life I actually love. The one I take for granted daily.
And I find reconnection with the Lord, my God.
Many times in the hard, God gifts us the opportunity to rekindle a depth with him. To look for his face, to find him, in and through what feels hard. Again, and again, and again. And to appreciate the mundane monotony of what had begun to feel stale.
And I am reminded… Who my ultimate rock is, where true comfort lies, how blessed I truly am, and that God will be there, my mighty Warrior, to save and surround… in all my moments.
Let’s thank God for his presence in what feels hard today. And when we return to our peaceful ground, let’s let his sweet presence permeate deeply. And then thank him again.
For the simple, for the sloppy. For the slow and the speedy. And for the security and safety of his surrounding world. That he offers abundantly. No matter where you find yourself… each new day.
Have you struggled to soak in the goodness of what surrounds you? The goodness that always surrounds you?
Lord, it is your comforts, not the world’s, that delight my soul. Wherever I am, help me find you. I am so thankful for all that you give me today and everyday. In your abundant name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
The Lord your God is with you, the mighty warrior who saves. (Zephaniah 3:17)
Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. (Psalm 103:2 NLT)
Join me at the FREE You Shine Summit on July 13th – 14th, where I’ll be speaking alongside 15 incredible experts… We’ll be revealing our best advice and tips to help you take charge of your life and feel great at any age. Don’t miss this limited-time opportunity! Click here for more info & to reserve your spot!

Have a blessed week!
Your friend,
P.S. My NEW BOOK, Win Over Worry is NOW available for pre-order! Click here to order!
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***OH! And don’t forget to find me on social media to stay up-to-date on my book “WIN over WORRY,” releasing September 2023! (Click links to follow me: Instagram & Facebook )
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