Van or SUV? Black or white? Do you take the new job? Do we get the puppy? Do we buy the lake house? Should you take the vacation, go to the concert, or stop at Starbucks on the way to your meeting? Which route should you drive to work today? And, then… the decision that inspired this post… which elevator do you take at work? What if there are two, and both elevator doors open at the same time, now what? Which one?
The voices can be maddening! I’m going to start with this… This is ME! And this is probably you. Faced with decisions constantly. There’s no escape. Some big; some small. And we analyze the possibilities and outcomes until we have driven ourselves absolutely NUTS! What is wrong with us?! Note to Self… For heaven’s sake, Stop stressing every decision! Just stop it!
You have to know this… my super-supportive husband is the inspiration for this entry. He has come to realize my mind thinks from one analogy to the next. Kind of quirky, huh? It totally is, and it can drive me bonkers at times. I do think it helps me bring you more helpful concepts through these life application stories, so I’m good with it. And you know what, I actually think Mike even thinks this quirky trait is kind of cute sometimes. One of the many reasons I love him. When you can find someone to appreciate the things that others think are down right odd, hold on to him or her! Hold tight!
So, we’re sitting down for our “nightly chat” last night… I say nightly chat because we find it nearly impossible to talk in the midst of five children most of the time. Imagine this… our 15-month-old twins dancing to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse in their play-pen in front of the TV, your 8- and 9-year-old bickering over who took the dog out last, and your son talking to his friend via Face-time about… whatever 12-year-boys talk about. All while the dog is jumping on your leg for someone to take her out. Oh, and I’m probably simultaneously emptying the dishwasher and cooking ground turkey for taco Tuesday when Mike walks in the door from work. All before we say a quick prayer, scarf our food down, and scold our 8-year-old for eating too slowly so we aren’t late (once again) to Will’s baseball game. This is no joke! Sometimes it’s absolute laughable chaos! I can paint countless pictures like this for real! My point is this… adult conversations are hard to come by anymore. But really, that’s okay because we LOVE our full house! Alright, sometimes I want to put my hands over my ears and scream really loud! But I wouldn’t trade our life for the world! I swear!
Oh right, our nightly chat! You’ll start to learn I get sidetracked a lot. That’s the beauty, or crazy (depending how you want to look at it), of being a professional dreamer! So, I love our nightly talks. It’s hands down the highlight of my day! For one, it typically comes with a celebratory, you did it, glass of dark red mommy juice – don’t judge me – but mostly because I get to spend time reflecting and sharing with my best friend. We’ll even stay up 30 minutes longer than we should just to get this time together. It truly is my favorite!
Last night Mike says to me, “I thought about your blog today.” I’m thinking, “Really?! I haven’t totally driven you so crazy with my latest obsession that you only want to think of everything BUT that when we’re apart?!” …But to hide my insecurities and because I’m super intrigued I respond, “That’s sweet. Tell me about it.” He continues to explain how he was in the parking garage heading to work, like everyday, but today he walked to the elevator and the strangest but most simple thing happened. Something that made him think about choices we need to make in life.
You see, Mike approached the elevator, where there were two, and both doors just so happened to open at the same time, and BOTH were headed to the first floor where he needed to go. There he was, faced with a choice. His instinctual thought was, “Which one do I take?” And, this is where he told me he realized how much this is like life when you have two choices in front of you. What thought process do you follow when options are in front of you?
In this particular “elevator” case the options actually look pretty similar from the outside and will probably get to the same place. In fact, this choice doesn’t even seem very significant, right? But, like all choices, you don’t actually know the outcome with certainty. You don’t know which will get you where you think you’re headed first. Will one stop half way and take longer? What if some grumpy guy gets on at the next floor and has a negative impact on your day? Or what if that person makes your day, what if you make theirs? What if the elevator you choose breaks down? Oh, the what “if’s” of life!
The possibilities are literally endless! Of course, in this instance, you’re probably thinking – WHO cares?! You’ll just pick one quickly because, seriously, you do NOT have time for this! You need to get to work and MOVE ON! Does it really matter which you choose? You know you’ll get there and all will be good. And in this situation it is pretty obvious that it doesn’t matter. In reality we’d probably be much better off if we handled more situations like the elevator choice. Just pick one, and move on – no time or space in your life for added stress!
But what if it wasn’t so obvious? What if the decision is much bigger? What if the only commonality of the two choice options is that you can identify pros and cons to each? And in all reality you have NO earthly idea what the outcome will be, and you just don’t know what to do. How often have you felt that?! So then, you find yourself doing the worst thing once again, over-analyze and stress to the depths of your being OR you do nothing out of fear of any sort of negative result.
I’m here to tell you once and for all, it still doesn’t matter! Okay, let me be more clear, it matters in that every decision we make has value, importance, and impact on our life. But I’m saying – STOP stressing it! I’m talking to the over-analyzers. You are likely the ones who have a pretty good head on your shoulders and consult with a “good source” to make decisions. Actually, over analyzers are usually naturally pretty smart and calculated. Wouldn’t you say?
What I mean is, you’re no dummy and every time you’ve made a decision in the past you can look back and for the most part say, it all worked out. So then why do you keep stressing every decision that comes your way? Yeah, maybe you did some stupid things back in college – like really stupid if you’re like me. But, hey, you learned something, right?! I sure hope so! And I’d be willing to bet you instinctively make better decisions now. At least to the point where even if you do make a decision that has some consequences, you’ll surely learn some valuable life lessons along the way. You live and you learn, right?
It doesn’t matter if the choice isn’t the “perfect” choice, because what you go through makes you. What you go through prepares you for where you’re headed next. Think of something in your life that you love. You wouldn’t have that if you didn’t make certain choices to lead you to that. The good may not always show up right away.
In fact, a decision made that immediately seems to be the best choice might off the bat produce blessings in your life; and then sometimes, you just can’t tell for quite a while if it was truly the right choice or not. And there are the other times, you quickly (or maybe later) are smacked in the face with, “Oops I did it again, stupid decision!” BUT, in the end, even a bit farther down the road you find that if it hadn’t been for that so called “super-dumb” choice you made, you wouldn’t be where you are or have what you have. Like maybe the house that you now live in that love so much now, the job you finally got that you dreamed of, or maybe you wouldn’t have found that person you now know as your husband or wife. Can you imagine if you hadn’t agreed to go to that Louisville Bats baseball game with your sister on July 31, 2013, where you met your future husband! (That was me!) It’s quite beautiful actually! At least I think so.
I happen to be crazy enough to think that God can take everything, bad choices and all, and turn them into good. One way or another, it always happens. I can look back and see how all the seemingly broken pieces eventually fit back together, and for something good. The more I remind myself of this, the more I can let go! Note to Self: The stressing of every decision has to STOP. The worrying about the what ifs has to stop. It will all be OK! Give yourself some grace and some peace Keri! YOU CAN DO IT!
Now I have to add something VERY important here. For many of you, you need some intervention before you continue or start making “quick” decisions. If you find yourself always making a choice out of fear, side note for you, we might have a whole other issue altogether. In fact, I’ll just go ahead and say it outright – I’d be willing to bet you have a control issue. Sorry to step on your toes. But I know that, because that was me! Okay, it still is me a lot of the time, when I temporarily forget that I can’t control everything.
It’s time we all humble ourselves and realize we CAN NOT control everything. You can’t and I can’t! What I’m saying is, if you have a habit of making a decision based on fear, you’re always choosing what appears “safe” or what is within your control. You’re making choices based on fear when your immediate thoughts are: What might go wrong? Is this safe? Can I control (fill in the blank)? Friends, this has to stop! This is no way to live. We’re missing out on SO much when we live like this. Where we need more peace, we’re adding stress to our lives by over-analyzing — no fun! And we’re missing out on some awesome stuff because of the “what if’s” — also no fun! Oh, there is such a better way!
Some of you have been stuck in a job you hate, just because it’s “safe” and “secure”, or worse, you have no job still because you just can’t decide what to do. Some of you are so dead set on continuing to mull over little choices to the point that your house still looks like it’s straight up out of the 80’s! Why?! Because, for crying out loud, you still can’t decide what color to paint your kitchen or you’re afraid to spend a few bucks to switch out the hideous drapes or the pink counter-tops.
But really?! What’s the worst that could happen? Sometimes that’s the exact question we need to ask ourselves. What IS the WORST that can happen? And if you can’t be 100% sure that choice would result in your absolute personal or financial downfall, then just go with it! Make a choice and go for it! What if it turns out to be amazing! Because it very well may, you ,with that “good head on your shoulders” that always makes it through okay. I think eventually it will turn out pretty great anyway. ALL things can turn to good, remember?!
If you still can’t buy into the no-stress, just-do-it decision making, and you struggle to trust your judgement, I have a suggestion that has helped me make more informed, quicker and “better results” decisions. My suggestion is THIS… Seek Wisdom. Continually. Seek. Wisdom. The older I get, the more I love to learn, read and seek wisdom. I enjoy and thrive on learning from others who have been down similar paths, from friends I look up to, family I trust, authors who are like-minded, and, of course, learning from biblical scripture. I highly recommend that you consider seeking lots and lots of wisdom from these sources.
Oh! And you might need to stop talking so much so you can actually listen more. If you’re always talking, how in the world can you learn a thing or two to get that wisdom. I had to throw that in. Once I stopped talking so much I started learning a whole lot more! It was amazing! You should try it! Those of us who think they know a thing or two are the worst! Let’s start being better listeners. Besides no one likes a know-it-all!
Having all these seeds of wisdom planted will help you make better decisions and more quickly. This wisdom you gather will turn into habits. These habits then become your character with time. And here’s the beauty of that… Good character and wisdom usually makes a pretty good choice! I promise! Put this practice to the test! Go get some more wisdom, make your decisions without overthinking it, and enjoy the ride!
And in case you were wondering, which elevator did Mike choose? The one on the right! (For no apparent reason.) He didn’t stress it; he made it safely to the first floor and so will you and I, my friend! You’ll get there just the way you are intended to.
With God by your side, you will likely get to the same destination, and it will all work out the way it’s supposed to. The last thing you need to do is sit there and do nothing, because both doors may just eventually close in your face. And dear wise ones, if you would just take a step forward, you can walk through the elevator door before it closes, breathe, move on, and reach your destination a little faster and a little more freely.
Bottom line… Don’t you have enough stress in your life? Aren’t you tired of feeling weighed down by a thousand decisions, big and small EVERY day!? ME TOO! So, let’s be done with it! We do have a choice, my friends. And I believe the no-stress route sounds way more fun! Way more peaceful! I want some more peace – YOU?? Go face your decision head on, say a little prayer, and just say “yes”! Or just say “no!” Just go fearlessly make whatever decision comes to you after your brief consultation with your trusted source. You’ll be OK. And even if you fall, you’ve gotten back up before, and you’ll get back up once again. It’s all part of your story. And it has the potential to be a really good one, so keep living it my friend!
Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!