It’s the most wonderful time of the year… right? Or is it? Are you letting it speed right past you without a notice? Will you “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas” or will the tree come down before you realized it was up?
Do you have more stress than joy? Have you created more tension in your house and marriage than memories or “Peace on earth, good will to men?” Are the nights not so silent and instead of singing “Joy to the World,” “Blue Christmas” seems like the better fit?
The pressure is intense, for real! As soon as your neighbors Elf on the Shelf shows up a full week before yours, you’re already behind on the list of traditions and “Christmas making memories.” If you’re like me you know the drill and have learned you’ll never measure up to the super moms and dads, BUT there is still this nagging sense that you MUST not neglect these precious years. Your kids will be off to college in a flash and the last thing you want is for them to come up with a blank stare as young adults when you ask them to share their favorite Christmas memories as a kid. What a failure you’d be!
But it’s so hard!
There’s so much! Someone has to pay these bills after the binge spending in December – so work can’t give. And, every family member that you hardly talk to has been asking what your kids want for Christmas before Santa has even decided what he’ll get them. Then you turn around and drive them nuts with the same request. It’s all a mess, ya know?!
Do you sense frustration, sadness and disappointment? What’s wrong with me? I’m not alone though, am I? Most wonderful time of the year, huh? It should be, friends! Tis the season to be jolly?! I know this! For heaven’s sake, the whole point of all this is to celebrate the birth of the One who saved the world and we’re over here stressing cookies, and wrapping pretty packages, and squeezing that awkward picture in with Santa and the kids.
I’m done with it! Have you had those moments? I absolutely have! When you said, “I’m so over it!?” I said, “no more!” …Oh but then I here “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire” and I think, “I love this song! We need to light the fire place, watch “It’s a Wonderful Life” and drink hot chocolate with the kids. They’ll love that memory someday! And while we’re at it, what else do we need to do before it’s too late?” And then days of monotonous responsibility pass you by, sprinkled with a little exhaustion and yet another child sickness, and with NO family movie time. And there I am again…“I can’t take the pressure… it’s so heavy.”
Friends I haven’t found resolution yet… I love to offer help and advice in areas I struggle, but this message is mostly to say… If this is you, you’re SOO not alone! And, yes, in about a week, like it or not, the radio will go back to playing the same old songs and the twinkling lights will start to fade. But, I do still have a few hopes for the rest of this season to bring back and “repeat the sounding joy.” There’s always hope and it’s never too late. The truth is we put the majority of this pressure on all by ourselves.
But, here’s the hope and the good news… the most “important” things to do this time of year, can really be done ANY time of year. Right? So, does that mean we can let go of some of the pressure? Yes, I absolutely think so! And that’s what I’m going to do. Light-bulb! Like an ah-ha Grinch moment when he thought “Maybe Christmas… doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more!”
After all, God said first and foremost… love God, and love others. Those are the things that bring the most “Joy to the World.” That can look so simple… And it’s not too late to do either before Christmas – and then you can continue on! Carry it into 2020. I thought of a few things and my heart was already filled with light…
Love others.
Serve someone, friends. Little treats or notes to neighbors, call your church and see who needs last minute volunteers, go visit someone who is lonely. Do this with your family. I’d rather my kids remember us loving on others than stressing what “else” to put on our Christmas “wish list,” for our family to shower us with random things we don’t need.
Love God.
It is so simple to show our love and adoration for God wherever we are – EVEN in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Hello Christmas songs! How about the simplicity of praising God for what He did for this world through songs of praise. Seriously, Oh. Holy. Night. …it was indeed, friends. I can’t even get through that song without my voice cracking. And not just because of the high note “night divine.” It wrecks my world with absolute “Wonders of His Love.”
You want some last minute or increased Christmas joy? Flip the music on in the house or as often as you can, and let the “old familiar carols play.” If you have lots of fun with it, your kids will look back and someday share the memories of you “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” in your kitchen during the Christmas season.
Nothing makes me feel more Christmas JOY in my heart more than praising God and serving others. And, I don’t think I’m the only one. There’s a reason everyone that never goes to church suddenly feels inclined to be in His presence on Christmas Eve. And there’s a reason hearts swell and volunteers magically come out of the woodwork in December to love on and serve those who are in need.
There’s not much time, but with what’s left, let this fill our hearts… God, “All I want for Christmas is YOU” and know there is always enough time to remember the true reason for this season.
With what’s left, let’s remind our kids what’s most important about this season. Show them with your praise to God and love to others and you’ll create the most important memories. And even more importantly… when it’s all over, when your “Elf” goes back to the North pole, show them that they can love others and love God even after the tree comes down.
Friends, with what’s left and thereafter, love Others…
“Truly He taught us to Love one another… His law is Love and His gospel is Peace.”
Friends, with what’s left and thereafter, Love God…
“Let all within us praise His holy name…”
“Fall on your knees… oh hear the angels voices.. Oh night divine.. Oh night when Christ was born…”
As we come to the close of another year of God’s blessings, I want to thank you for blessing me with the opportunity to do what I love. To do what God called me to do. To share my heart and messages for the hope of igniting inspiration, encouragement and God’s purpose in your life… “I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas, I wish you a Merry Christmas… And a Happy New Year!”
(Podcast audio version available. Click Here!)
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