I can’t tell you how many times I’ve recited this verse, but I can tell you it’s one of the few I know word-for-word, by heart.
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with Thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Phil 4:6)
And, you know what’s always mesmerizing to me about God’s word? It’s the way it speaks differently to me in different phases of life. Sometimes just upon a second immediate read-through I notice evidence of this. The Word truly is very much active and alive like that. And lately, there’s one word that keeps capturing my heart.
Before I spill the good word, I want you to know what brings me to this particular verse time and again. No surprise, I know, but I worry. And find myself anxious, even edgy, especially in high-activity seasons. Which pretty much feels like always.
I bet you can relate to this. In the thick of too much around you, or maybe just stirred up with overwhelm at the core of your soul. Listen, we all feel the weight at times.
But… thanksgiving.
That’s the word that keeps scrolling through the lens of my heart.
Because if you dissect this scripture in Philippians, you might determine like I did, that the concept of thanksgiving offers a solution to our anxious thoughts. And I bet you want resolve over your inner turmoil as much as I do.
So, I pulled out (more like dusted back off) my gratitude journal this morning, and scripted reflections of ten things I am thankful for. Ten blessings regarding and wrapped up in the very things that are also currently consuming my mind with unease, uncertainty, and frustration.
I practiced thanksgiving.
Maybe you might try this too. Jot down on paper, better yet, rattle off your acknowledgments of gratitude to God. Praise him with thanksgiving in every situation, for many somethings within those situations. And finally, thank him for his protective love and his sovereign almighty control.
It’s stunning what happens next…
Less worry, less knots of anxiousness, and so much more peace.
Yes, thanksgiving unleashed to God, really does renew an anxious heart.
Friends, I pray you’ll practice his praise with me this week, and find a filling of refreshment for your shaky soul. ❤️
Are you feeling a bit anxious or stirred up by what’s swirling around you? What can you thank God for right now, in the midst of your struggle or pain?
Lord, You tell us in your Word not to be anxious, but to come to you with all our cares… with thanksgiving. Here I am, Lord, to say thank you. For every blessing woven in all that feels heavy in and around me. You are always in control, and you are always good. In your praiseworthy name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6)
…Before we part, I have to share… If you, or someone you love, ever experience the consuming effects of worry, anxiousness, or uncertainty, I wrote Win Over Worry just for you. ❤️ (Click here for more information.)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend,
P.S. My NEW BOOK Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes is NOW available! Click here to order!

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& To check out “FAITH-FUELED: Devotions with Keri Ann” Podcast for my audio devotions, click here!
***OH! And find me on social media to hang out daily! (Click links to follow me on Instagram & Facebook )
I Thank You for the Support during my rainy season. You gave me so much strength and wisdom to help me remember that “HE” is with us. In Jesus name, Amen . 🙏🏽😇