The road-map of life can feel warped and winding. Sometimes the days swell with overwhelm. In fact, for me personally in this season, I need the confidence and comfort that all the twists and turns are actually for my good. It’s hard to imagine some days.
How about you? Do you sense a similar confusion?
Maybe we both need to readjust our focus. To look for God, and to God… right now, and at every turn, really.
Because the truth is, each moment, even the ones that feel like we’re hiking up steep rocky mountains, are actually wrapped in blessings we should be focusing in on with thankfulness. God’s gifts we only find when we slow down enough to see them.
May we return our eyes to him. Again and again and again, between the bends and the bumps.
The landscape of life truly does transform into beauty, when we look through the lens of thankfulness. Through the lens of the light of the Lord.
Yes, our days are crazy. And yes, often filled with chaos. But also yes, God is always here, and he is always there with so many beautiful blessings. We just need to look to him, and through him. And thank him.
Do you sense the stirring of chaos? Have you been stopping to look to God and through God, peering past the crazy, to find the treasures he’s placed around you? Will you?
Lord, You are my God. You help me sense your direction. Thank you.
This very day of my life is a gift. Help me see it as that. Thank you.
You are with me and never leave me. Help me feel your calming presence. Thank you.
I am thankful, and I trust you. Help me keep my focus increasingly there. In your loving name, Amen.
Seek the Word:
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people. (Ephesians 1:18)
The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. (Psalm 23:1 NLT)
Comment here with your thoughts. I hope this message inspired you!