Confession. I can get discouraged so easily, and I’m not at all proud of that.
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You better believe I wish I could stand as strong as a bull when criticism charges my way. But in reality, I’m more like unstable bowling pins pummeled with a perfect strike, then crashing in ten frazzled directions. Really! You could say two nice things to me, and then just one with a hint of snarkiness, and there I am, left zapped. Zapped of the spark that filled my soul a mere five seconds before our conversation.
What’s up with that? Can you relate? Can you be a tad too sensitive? Do you ever allow little darts randomly tossed your direction find a direct magnetic pull to the bull’s-eye of your joy?
It’s like your joy is a balloon full of goodness, and with the tiniest prick, POOF! It’s gone.
It happened to me just the other day… My friend Jenny called. I was sharing some recent successes in my writing, and she kindly had some encouraging things to say. Ok, so maybe her words didn’t do justice to the excitement I had for all the hard work I put in. But, nonetheless, she used words like “that’s terrific” and “well done.” And I was grateful.
BUT then, she went on to give me many more words about what I could do better. It seemed she was much more passionate about what I wasn’t doing than what I was doing.
And just like that, we got off the phone, and my soul was miserably crushed. All of the hard work I had been so proud of, felt like leftover ashes from a fire that was blazing with purpose and confidence just 30 minutes before.
How do you pick yourself back up when someone knocks the wind out of your sails?
I’m actually still trying to figure this out. How do I make sense of the darts thrown at my ideas, my hopes, and my dreams? What about my good intentions and attempts to serve well? It all feels under attack. Don’t they know my heart? And, man, why can’t I hold on to the “Well done’s” and “I’m proud of you’s?” Why can’t I hold on to the, maybe only occasional, but still present, positive “somethings” along the way. Maybe I’m just too stinkin’ sensitive! Maybe overall the “offender” had good intentions. Maybe. But even still, there’s for sure a tough crowd out there, ya know?
And more sure I am of this… there’s no doubt a tough “enemy” out there. Oh boy does he want to knock me down! And if you’re onto something good, you better believe he’s going to manipulate anyone he can to use the exact words and tactics that he knows will absolutely smash your faith.
So, maybe it’s not the crowd that’s the enemy after all. No, I don’t think it is. In fact, they have nice things to say sometimes, right? I bet you can think of some sort of good produced from their life, can’t you? Especially when we’re talking about God’s people. Yes, God’s people… They’re my people. Okay, so that would be ALL people. We’re ALL made in His image. (Note to self.)
It’s SATAN friends. And is he EVER after us!
It’s true! So, what are we going to do about that? I’ll tell you what I think. I think it’s time to show him that God is stronger, don’t you?
If you’re feeling discouraged because of something someone said or did, it’s definitely not a message God wants you to believe. But, it’s also not that person who is the enemy – it’s Satan. He’s the real enemy. An enemy who took advantage of one of God’s people. A liar who twisted his victim’s words and weaknesses to hit you right where it hurts the most. And, ouch! He’s so good at it.
Oh friends, can we start ignoring the liar? Unfortunately, he’s not going anywhere. But, good news! Neither is God. Believe it. Only God speaks the truth. Let’s drown out the lies with God’s truth. The truth that we are loved, adored and accepted no matter what! And the truth that we don’t have to earn it. If you listen to God’s truth (the only one to be trusted), He will always be the voice of encouragement that you need when Satan begs to weigh you down with discouragement.
Before you were discouraged, God was your source of encouragement. Can you remember what brought you joy before you fell? It was Him. And He’s still there. Ready to hand back that touch of happiness and peace He always shows up with when you lean on Him, and Him alone.
You’re doing good things for His Kingdom, friends. Don’t let Satan, or anyone he takes advantage of, knock you down, or take your eyes off God. Satan will always be ready to be your discourager. But, when you keep your eyes on God, He will always be The Encourager.
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