Shame on me.
As I stumbled to the bathroom to wipe the sleep from my eyes, I allowed the simmer of grumbling to slip into my wearied morning fog.
I know better by now. The life of joy and peace I’ve been running hard after has no space for complaints and victimizing thoughts of self-pity.
But, when I settle my gaze on what seems wrong, the reality of all that’s good, is hidden in the shadows.
We do it to ourselves.
And I began to.
But I fought back.
You know you have a choice to make the shift too? God in us is a bajillion times stronger than the enemy, and anything the world wants to throw us off course with.
I rested my face in the palms of my hands, lowered my head before the Lord, and asked Him to show me what HE sees.
I closed my eyes, resisting the enemy’s temptation to feed the overwhelm and exhaust of the busy hangover from the day past… my teenage son’s social, sport, and work “running’s around,” the volleyball tournament town-hop back and forth with my 12-year-old daughter, the wee hours of the night sleepover with my 5th grader and a new friend, in tow with or our two strong-willed toddlers who are quick to escalate any craze. I’m sure you can rehash some recent wild days, yes?
But, in this shift of focus, instead of wallowing in the ache of my waning energy… I chose to praise God.
I peered through the filter of his perfect love and goodness, and thanked Him for children with a desire for relationships and the opportunity of inclusion. For their physical ability to even play sports and the chance to see them beam with bonds building and life lessons looming.
I remembered a recent friend’s sorrow shared of a child with no friends, one with a disable son, and another who’d lost a daughter unexpectedly and would no doubt give their life to hear the heavenly symphony of twin voices nagging each other…
I praised God for the gift of simply having children. And for the breath in my lungs that morning to praise Him for all of this.
God has blessed us with so much, but Satan doesn’t want us to see that. The enemy wants you sulking in busyness, dissatisfaction, and defeat. He wants to take what God intended to lift you up, and cause it to break you down.
The choice is yours.
Who’s view will you choose?
Don’t let Satan trick you into the self-pity pit.
Hey, maybe you do need to rest for a minute if your plate is overflowing. But, use the pause to adjust your sight to HIS lens, look around, and reflect on how good our God is, who so lovingly allowed you beautiful things to fill your days here on earth.
Reflect: Do you feel worn down by your busyness? Or are you noticing more bad than good around you lately?
Pray: Lord Jesus, Life is full and I’m guilty of grumbling about the lack of perfection around me and the wearing down from my plans, demands and commitments. Help me pause and breathe in gratitude for the very things that Satan is trying to weigh me down with that you intend to bless me. You are a good God full of infinite gifts. Thank you for your light in the midst of the shadows. In your loving name, Amen.
Seek the Word: You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. (Genesis 50:20) Let all that I am praise the LORD; may I never forget the good things he does for me. (Psalm 103:2)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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