Why the heavy heart this morning? I ask myself.
The horizon looks pretty bright and God‘s presence has felt close. But even still, a gray cloud subtly shields His joyful light.
Satan, the deceiver, knows he must work fresh angles to hold me down. Lately his sneak attacks slither in through my weariness, my busyness, and even in the vulnerability of the middle of night or my dreams. There the enemy attempts to bulldoze God‘s peace before I can even start my day. How clever! How cruel…
Like to admit it or not, the master con artist is working on all of us in some disguised form. Exerting relentless pursuits to drown out all comfort, joy, and sunlit perspectives.
BUT… I have the armor of God. And so do you.
You can fight and resist with the ultimate victor. GOD is stronger. Oh so much stronger. With unlimited power to fight any opposition that you come against. Time spent with Him, time immersed in His word, shrivels away the enemy and his progress to darken my spirit. It will do the same for you.
If you are feeling the pull to darkness, or a bit heavyhearted… open the door wide to God’s light. Marinate in an abundance of His words, engage in sweet lingering conversation and praise… for all that He is, and all He is doing to tend to you, His precious beloved child.
Reflect: Do you feel darkness creeping in on you? How can you re-prioritize your plans to feed on God’s light today?
Pray: Dear Lord Jesus, you are the light of my life. Though the enemy strives to take that away, I know you are always near and always more powerful. Nothing can separate me from your love. Help me seek you with all that I am, so I may stand sturdy against the darkness that wills to mask your radiance. Ground me firmly in your abounding strength and delightful presence. Amen.
Seek The Word: Therefore, put on every piece of God’s armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm. (Ephesians 6:13) For once you were full of darkness, but now you have light from the Lord. So live as people of light! (Ephesians 5:8)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend, Keri Ann
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