Well, here goes nothing! Or, maybe here goes something pretty awesome! Either way, I’m going for it! …Have you ever NOT done something you really wanted to, or thought you might be good at, just because you were afraid of what someone might think? Umm, can I get a loud YES! We all have a long list of those dreams that we talk ourselves out of, all because we’re afraid. Sometimes it’s failing we’re afraid of (I can talk about how ridiculous that is another time), but not doing something because of what others will think… Ugh!! WHY do we do that?!
Well not this time, Keri! I’m actually pretty pumped up, my heart is on fire, and the nagging desire has finally driven me to action. Am I afraid of what you’ll think? Well, of course! I’m a life-long member of the People Pleaser Club. And let’s be honest, it’s down right no fun when you are the laughing subject of the gossip girls circle at your kids school. But, who cares what they think! And guess what, half the time those people you think are trash talking you, they aren’t even thinking of you at all! But let’s just say this time they are.
Am I really going to let my older cousin talk me out of following a new passion? The girl who in all reality is likely jealous because she’s also afraid to be bold and put herself out there. She would just assume play it safe so no one can make fun of her, just like her classmates did years back for her frizzy big-haired, goofy-smile 5th grade school picture. So instead, she will just make fun of everyone else pursuing exciting and fun dreams, all the while secretly hoping they fail. That way she doesn’t have to deal with her own insecurities and fears. The sad part is, she ultimately feel more down on herself for not chasing her own hopes and dreams. Yeah, that’s her problem not yours! And what a shame for her. She could be a dream chaser too!
We should remain nothing but excited for our bold attempts at success, and actually feel sorry for the ones who don’t. Oh, and for the record, I don’t actually have any older cousins, they just so happen to all be younger than me, but you know what I’m saying? …Those girls.
So here goes my blog “Note to Keri!” …Why “Note to Keri” you might wonder? I’m so glad you asked! …I actually originally was inspired to write “Notes To Self,” but being that I have no experience in blogging, no experience in writing actually, I figured I should follow the experts. My expert became some “how to” smart guy on the internet who said I need to use my name in my blog if it’s personal. And as it turned out, Note To Self was a taken domain name along with every variation I could think of. And so, without over thinking it, and so I could get to you sooner with my anxious excitement, I snatched up NoteToKeri.com.
So there you have it! And, I think, it fits! It fits because I, Keri, need daily encouraging reminders and notes to myself. I need HELP – lots of it! Just like, I need a “Note To Self” right at this moment to not worry about what you might think of this post and all the mistakes that will come with it. And let’s face it, whether you like to admit it or not, you need help too! The minute you think you know it all, or can do it all alone, that’s when the most trouble finds you! So here we are together encouraging each other over and over. That is my hope and that is my purpose for all of this… I want you to be encouraged. In fact, I’ve literally been losing a lot of sleep over you this week. But so excited!
God gave me a passion to inspire and encourage others and it’s been growing and evolving out of control over the past few years. Am I scared? Um, for sure! Putting yourself out there is tough stuff! For all of us! Remember my cousin? The one who surely can’t wait to make some snarky remark at the next family gathering because, “Keri’s at it again”? I’m already trying to think of ways to avoid her and the event altogether. But nope, not this time! Because this time I am going to choose to let my faith be much bigger than my fears! And I want you to do it with me! So, how about we choose to block out the negative voices and get excited about what’s in store! It can be great if you choose to let it be!
You know what really excites me? You know what I am on fire for right now?!
…That discouraged Mom who’s reading this right now, and just might have the nerve to take on one of her treasured God given gifts, and actually do something with it. Maybe she makes the choice to move her passion to action because I told her I had the same feelings of fear, did it anyway, and as a result felt so much freedom and joy in letting go of the expectations and potential cares of others! YES! Go for it!
…I’m on fire for the post college student who has messed up so many things in her past, but has a new idea! Maybe her Mom says its too risky, but she does it anyway. And then, SURPRISE, her idea creates a booming business that offers other young professionals an opportunity to pursue their passions. Wow!
…I pumped up for the Mom who’s youngest just went to college and she’s spent all her years at home with the kids. This strong woman secretly thinks she’d be a great real estate agent or sales person, but is afraid her friends will start to avoid her like the plague. But guess what?! She goes for it regardless, because someone believed in her! And wouldn’t you know, she becomes a great success and more importantly blazes a trail of inspiration for others in her walk of life.
…I’m excited for the working woman who works long hours and has always wanted to run a marathon. Unfortunately, she can already feel all the eye rolls of her colleagues, family and friends. BUT, she takes the high road and says, “To heck with them. This is my life and I have 3 young daughters to show that they can do anything they put their mind to regardless of what others say.” …That’s what I’m talking about!
…Maybe you’re a single thirty-something. You’re lonely and would love to share your life with someone who would finally see how amazing you are. Your friend at work just got engaged to someone she met online, but you are afraid to enter the online dating world. Because, what if people start to talk, what if you get rejected??? So what!! What if I can encourage one person to go for it and they have a blast meeting new people, they make some new friends, and then finally they meet the one! News flash – it happens! …THAT gets me on fire!!
Listen up friends! We all have so much potential and need to get out of the business of worrying about the petty thoughts of others!
I want to be your cheerleader! I want to cheer SO LOUD for you! I never actually was a cheerleader, honestly that tumbling stuff kind of scared me, if I’m being honest. In fact, I was ruined after my first gymnastics class in the 6th grade when it was my turn to attempt a dive cartwheel, and… let’s just say, I forgot the cartwheel! Yeah, picture that! (insert hand on head emoji). …But, back to cheerleaders – I want to be yours! Not the cheerleaders on the new-age competitive cheer teams, who in my biased opinion really ought to be labeled something like “Might-break-your-neck-dangerous-tumbling Squad”, but the old school “Go Team Go!” “We’ve got spirit yes we do!” Cheerleaders. The ones with extra large pom-poms from back in the 60s that my Mom talks about. I bet they were the BEST! Yeah, those cheerleaders! We need way more cheer-loud cheerleaders and a lot less critics, that’s for sure.
Did I mention I have no experience in writing? It’s true! So, yeah, not only am I putting myself out there for the world to maybe laugh at, but I have zero experience in this field, so I’m totally fresh bait. Which means, I most definitely have pretty high odds of rubbing someone the wrong way. Side note: Have some mercy on this newbie, teacher friends – aka grammar police. Sorry couldn’t help myself! Well, let me redefine no experience. If you count Facebook and Instagram posts, I guess I do have a little practice with that here and there. Those inspirational moments when I feel compelled to share a valuable nugget I received that morning from whatever non-fiction self help book I have immersed myself in.
To take it a step further, I didn’t even have an example worthy writing piece in English class during high school or college. In fact, sorry English lovers, I didn’t even like writing then. I pretty much assumed after that, writing was surely not my thing. So, I may not necessarily be a writer… yet! But, I know what I am! I am a self proclaimed professional dreamer! That should be a thing! Surely I can make something of that. You know, like head in the clouds, daydreaming, fantasy world living, where I may as well have superhuman powers, because I sure can paint up a fantasy scene in my mind. A scene of a pretty cool looking me, doing some pretty cool things, with pretty spectacular surroundings…
Any other dreamers out there? So, where I may not have previous noteworthy experience with writing… I know what I do have. Lots of experience dreaming big. Lots of thoughts, ideas, and dreams I can’t wait to bring to life. I’ve actually taken some risks with some of these dreams in the past, and you know what? I pleasantly surprised myself a time of two with what happens when you go for it! You should try it sometime!
…And I have passion, deep emotions, and LOTS of stories stored away with intricate detail that I can’t wait to release to you for the hope of igniting a passion in you. A passion to find your gifts and purpose so that you can get out of your own way, and go use it BIG! God wants us to have joy on this earth. Really! Yes, there will be difficulties, but life gets super fun when you step out of your comfort zone and follow your purpose.
Together let’s identify your desires and passions, and find your purpose. Together let’s encourage each other to ignore the naysayers and go for it! Together let’s stop being the critic and start being the Cheerleader! Together let’s find some joy and excitement!
And so the journey begins… What started as an idea about 5 years ago to someday write a book, with 39 years of my thoughts and experiences I have been collecting, has landed me (in the meantime) on a new blogging adventure. I hope this collection of notes will produce my first book, someday not too far away. I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, hope you join me on this journey!
I hope to gain wisdom and inspiration from you also. I will commit to writing a new post of inspiration at least weekly, maybe more if my full life with 5 kids at home allows, but at least once a week. I would be so incredibly honored if you would subscribe below so you can receive notifications when I add a new blog entry. I would be honored if you would also share these blog posts with your friends and in your social media feeds. This would help reach and inspire more people like you and I, who desperately need to hear these words.
I commit to speaking to you humbly from my heart, from my God inspired passion to encourage others with the “notes to self” that I also need everyday. …Reminders to enjoy the sunshine, smile on the cloudy days and stand up in the storms of life.
Thank you friends!
– Your Cheerleader, Keri
…Perhaps this is the moment for which you were created. (Esther 4:14)
Love you! Shoot for the moon and if you miss….you still land upon the stars!!!
Melanie, You are such a sweet soul! Thank you so much!
Awesome! Agreed! Keep cheering!
Thank you for always being such great cheerleader for me! Thank you for your support!
Yay, Keri! This is awesome! I’m so happy for you!! I can’t think of a better cheerleader. 😘
Sarah, You are such a dear friend and I love you so! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness!
Way to go brave girl! So excited for you Keri! I think you were listening when He was talking sister❤️❤️
Allyson, you are such an encouragement to me! Thank you! God shines through you friend!
I love you. You will forever be my mentor. I have always been your cheerleader (and I was one!). Keep sending notes to yourself!
I can’t thank you enough for your constant support! I treasure you beyond words! You are a gift and so are your editing talents! 😉
I am so pleased that you are doing this! I can’t wait to see or hear what you have to say or share. You are a true inspiration Keri!
Erica, I appreciate your words and heart so much! It’s encouragement from people like you that fuels my passion. Thank you!
Go Keri! Proud of you!!
Awww, Thanks Jan! Love you!
Keri, a truly inspired heart !
Thank you Angie! You’re the best!
Great Job Keri!! Follow your dreams and go for it!! Proud of you stepping out like this!! 💕👏👏
Thank you Amy! Your support means more to me than you know!
Loved this!!! I will be dropping in to see more! Congrats on your new adventure!! Xoxo