“Suddenly it feels safer to create nothing than to create failure” —Mary Marantz
I paused mid-paragraph after stumbling over these words. I’d never thought this to be me. Because I certainly do create things. I’m an achiever (to a fault at times, I must admit). BUT, I felt a gut punch when I read Mary’s reflection in her latest book, Slow Growth Equals Strong Roots.
Maybe this IS me.
There are in fact still many “nothings” on the list of my heart. Ideas and dreams once dreamt that I began to believe–based on my limited knowledge–would, could, or should never come to be.
And do you know how I reached this assumption again and again?
My perception of the approval of others.
I stand convicted. I’ve mostly only asserted actions and created creations, when people convinced me I could or reassured me I should. Thus allowing adequate affirmation of my abilities.
Are you primarily acting on the affirmation of the world?
What about all the other ideas and dreams God has placed in your heart?
There are many for me.
I think it’s time to admit…
I’m afraid.
To fail. To hurt. To disappoint. To make the wrong move. Waste time. Waste money. To be a waste.
So as a result, I direct my efforts to the “sure” things.
And beg God to swell in my soul the desires of HIS heart, knowing he does just this when we cling ever so close to him.
But then, some of the dreams remain.
Do your dreams, desires, and ideas remain in you as you remain in him?
What are they? Those things you’ve considered doing, words you’ve contemplated writing or speaking, and actions you’ve pondered pursuing?
I think we ought to begin paying closer attention to the knocks and nudges as we’re leaning in to the Lord. And start taking some small steps or a large leap with him.
I can’t promise a win will look just as we imagined, but I can promise God will use all of our work and pure-intention steps for his good. And I don’t know about you, but that’s all I really want to do with my limited time here on this earth anyway. What he wants—and for him.
Friend, remember that no matter what you do today or tomorrow, big or small as it may seem… your work for the Lord is always a win, and never a waste.
Have you been leaning in closer to God? And do you still feel the nudge to do or initiate something?
Dear Lord Jesus, Thank you for the many ideas, dreams, and desires you have planted deep in my heart. Help me remain in you, and trust that you will not lead me toward anything that is not for me. Give me confidence to take steps in faith with you, as your desires remain in me–as you remain in me. In your faithful name, Amen.
Seek The Word:
For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. (Ephesians 2:10)
So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
Before we part, I have to share… If you, or someone you love, ever experience the consuming effects of worry, anxiousness, or uncertainty, I wrote Win Over Worry just for you. ❤️ (Click here to learn more.)
Have a blessed week!
Your friend,
P.S. My NEW BOOK Win Over Worry: Conquer What Shakes You and Soar With the One Who Overcomes is NOW available! Click here to order!

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& To check out “FAITH-FUELED: Devotions with Keri Ann” Podcast for my audio devotions, click here!
***OH! And find me on social media to hang out daily! (Click links to follow me on Instagram & Facebook )
Thank you for your encouragement through revealing your struggles and your overcoming walking with the Lord. I too with The Holy Spirit walk each day purposefully to overcome negative emotions .. I am so thankful how He pulls me through every time. And sometimes I also fear a return to the pit. But He says “hey I’m with you!! We take one day at a time!
Enjoy your beautiful family. My seven children are now grown and wonderful parents of my fifteen grandchildren.. God bless you awesomely Kerri Ann..
Thank you Keri, your words seem to have been taken right from the writing room of my own heart. At 74years old, I have so many dreams that I have put aside, for so many reasons. My time is waning and I am so easily distracted with less important things to do. I am encouraged by your words. By the way, I have a daughter named Kerrie, living in Kentucky as well. God bless you and all that you do for our blessed Savior.